Awake O' Sleeper!

       This last weekend, I was able to go to a woman's retreat. Thanks to my amazing Husband Gabriel I was baby free. ( not that that was easy but sure was refreshing to relax, not worry and listen! Thank you Sweetheart!)
        I feel though before I speak on the retreat, I know for the last few weeks and maybe a month now Yahweh has been doing a work within me, letting go, stepping up and moving forward! He has me reevaluating my role as wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. It hasn't been easy seeing the wayward steps I have taken to dodge my roles as these (wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend)  and most alarming was my slow stepping towards being Messiah like. Not that I don't LOVE Him and give my life to Him, but in all the busy, I have forgotten my time with Him. Time that I TRULY NEED! To be nourished,  fulfilled, set-apart, His Bride!! I am thankful that He reminds us (sometimes hard and sometimes not so much.) but He does. Because we feel alone, ugly, distant, rebellious, tired, unhappy, and the list goes on and on! So I am thankful in the time before this retreat He was teaching and showing me that I need to work harder at who I am, especially when I say "who I am" that, that I would shine like the stars as it speaks in Daniel 12:3

Dan 12:3  “And those who have insight shall shine like the brightness of the expanse, and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.

       Now for this last weekend, this time with 11 beautiful women of Yahweh and 4 amazing children on the path of set-apartness was incredible. Not only did I learn, I was inspired! Inspired by the children and women to be more then I am. To be Messiah like! Not just to encourage one another on this path but to be a witness and a light to my sisters and friends children. It is so important to be that in their lives! To show it can be done, that walking a path that not many choose is worth it,  to be a child and bride of the Most HIGH! Those little beautiful babies are worth so much and teach us so much about love and about ourselves, our hurts, our desires to have an eternal Father who wants to be our Daddy! Wants to be the one we turn too...... I want to reflect Messiah Yahushua! I want to be that for not only my Sisters and their children but their husbands also. That we can love each other unconditionally, without judgment. My ideals of how someone walks in Messiah is not my business and to make it so is Wrong. I need to pray for them, encourage and be the best I know to be. It's not easy, because my ideals can be quick to judge, quick to make fun-of, quick to dismiss someone just by what I see fleshly. (sigh.........) I am no one...... But I am YAHWEHS girl!

     We had a wonderful speaker at our retreat, Kelly Ferrari ( ) She was a blessing and an amazing teacher and lover of Yahushua! I was blessed to just be able to listen and not be distracted, though at times the enemy wanted to distract and pull me off track but I focused and reset myself. There was laughter and joy! Even when 11 women and 4 babies had to be crammed into a tiny cabin when the other cabin wouldn't open up! and the owner was out of town not answering his phone.So though some could have gone home, NO ONE did! HalleluYAH! We learned to love and laugh and enjoy the crazy obstacle's that laid in front of us..... some got sleep and some (including me) did NOT! haha...... but it did not wear us down. We took back marriages, the safety of our children, called for repentance!  learned about eating better, enjoyed amazingly healthy and awesome tasting food. I grew in so many levels, Though my number one was "Awakening the Sleeper in me." The person that chooses other things than time with my Maker! Seeing the importance of not sleeping in the world around us, not being in denile or laziness, not allowing the excuse of many that "choose other paths" to be ME! Many times I have let my guard down or allowed certain things to go "in one ear and out the other", I don't want that......... nope! Kelly was playing a song, called " I have a Maker" those words hit me like a ton of bricks, I got on my face and cried..... cried..... not really knowing why? just cried.... " I have a Maker, He formed my heart, before even time began, my life was in His hands. "He knows my name, He knows my every thought, He see's each tear that falls, and hears me when I call. " I have a Father, He calls me His own, He'll never leave me, No matter where I go!" .......... I cried and I prayed. Maybe it was all the times that my thoughts and my heart have been evil. Or maybe it was just a call.... Me calling to my Abba, my Daddy, to let Him know I'm here, I want to know YOU, I'm sorry...... I'm sorry I let others come before YOU! I don't know each time I try to think it out, I cry! I am in awe.... that He would take such an unimportant person and make fer His BRIDE! I am forever thankful to my Yahweh for all that He is doing and has done. For giving Yahushua to pay an ultimate price for my sins! But the coolest thing is YAHUSHUA is ALIVE, Alive in ME and I know in YOU! I am reminded that it is our choice!

Deu 30:19  “I have called the heavens and the earth as witnesses today against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore you shall choose life, so that you live, both you and your seed,
Deu 30:20  to love יהוה your Elohim, to obey His voice, and to cling to Him – for He is your life and the length of your days – to dwell in the land which יהוה swore to your fathers, to Aḇraham, to Yitsḥaq, and to Yaʽaqoḇ, to give them.”

        I'm once again inspired to know that HIS love in limitless. He does not push...... Oh but does He remind! I love you all....... I pray as you go about doing the will of our SET-APART Father, that you do it Whole heartedly! That you would embrace the very calling upon your life! Whether it is just being a Mom or Dad, then take that task and treasure it, live it out for Messiah! That is the MOST awesome calling!

       This was my journey from this last weekend, it is one I pray never stops! I love HIM! I am thankful for all that I have gone through, the joy and the tears! I forever want to learn and be open, not judge or gossip. But love unconditionally like Messiah!

 Your sister, friend and fellow Believer!

                                                   s. keziYah


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