DeLapp Digest
Well, here is an update as it's been way too long. PRAISE reports all around. We received an amazing camera that does HD video in addition to great photos. HalleluYah. We also received a new Acer computer with a flat panel screen annonymously. We are super excited about that. It is the begining step in being able to record our next album.
We are semi-officially Arkansawyers. I say that because we don't have an address that is actually our own:) I have been working down here for about 2 months for an awesome Christian remodeling company.
That is a testimony in itself. Last winter when we heard the call to move to Arkansas, I started searching online for a job. The Company that was at the top of my list to work for after all the research is the one I now work for. However, I had my own method, and my way of getting a job soon got tiring and overwhelming, and finally, I let go and gave it to Yahweh. Well, months later, in feb, I am in Arkansas, looking for work, and through referrals, ended up with an interview with the Very company I had wanted to work for. Amazingly, the week prior, a guy had left the company, which opened up a spot for me. HUGE story short, I got that job. I am so excited to be working for a super company that is meticulous, family oriented, that will give me Sabbaths and feasts off. It will keep teaching me about construction and remodeling and I am excited about that. I was ready to give that up, but saw Yahweh had given me a desire and ability that needed to be cultivated. Please pray for me to be a light to my supervisors and coworkers, and for me to be faithful in the little and big jobs alike.
Sady and the children have been down here for almost one month. The month apart was so hard, we went through many trials. I would have been happy to skip that chapter, but we know Yahweh's Character Building School has no free days. Just a weekly rest day! HalleluYah. I thought I had found the home for our family, but once Sady got down, and we talked and prayed, we realized it wasn't the place for our family. So we spent 4 nights in a Hotel and looked for a place to stay. Some dear friends opened up their home to us and for almost a month now we have been staying in their master bedroom, with our "own" bathroom and closet. It's a big adventure to have 2 dads, 2 moms, and 9 children in a 4 bedroom house. But, it's 2 families who are all part of one spiritual family. You grow so much closer to folks when your laughing, smiling, learning, struggling, or crying together in a small space. So much more closer than when you just see them for a few hours every week or so. I was blessed to have a room to stay with another family the first month I was down here. Yahweh's people are so kind and generous.
Pray for our vehical situation. Our one van needs many repairs. I am not sure if it's better to fix things as we are able to, or to give up on it. Thankfully it runs. And so somedays I drive it to work, and other days, we load up everybody and Sady drops me off at work and picks me up in the afternoon. Depending on if she needs to go anywhere or not. If we keep it, gradually fixing parts would certainly be a better option than a loan. ( we havent had a loan in 4 years and want to keep it that way. )I just don't know if it's wise, to keep putting money in it. We have contemplated getting a well maintained older economy car that would get 40+mpg. I had a older civic that did that. Then we could save money for a larger vehicle that could transport our family and luggage or bulk grocery shopping. we prefer to do more monthly shopping trips than weekly shopping. The lumina van doesn't have that kind of cargo room. It certainly isnt a bad secondary vehicle. If any has wisdom, or advice on what we should do please share. I am at my end.
For all the prayers, gifts, texts, emails and phone calls, we thank you. Thank you for your encouragement, Thank you for even those who have been searching long distance for a place for us to live. :)
We are excited about raising our family to garden and care for animals and learn a way of life many are too busy for. I was. I was too busy for my family having my own business.
Everyone is telling us to buy, but I don't want to be a slave to the lender. I know its hard to find rentals, but that is the vision I have for my family. I don't know how it will happen, it seems we are at the Red Sea. And the waves are crashing, and the enemy is drawing close, we can even hear the Chariot wheels in the distance. Despair is looming. BUT I KNOW MY YAHWEH is bigger. He is greater, He is stronger. So as our needs seem insurmountable, Yahweh will be the victor! He is our provider. We are seeing an amazing testimony as we see the doors close and paths He doesn't want us to travel.
My vision for my family is To raise them in the country. In a set apart refuge. So we have a place to come back to after we have been in the world. I believe it is vital at their young age to have a refuge for them, no matter how small. A place, for praise, and worship, for gathering, for rejoicing, for adventures, for training, for giving, for teaching, to learn all we can about living off the land, to teach others as the opportunity arises.
To have a place to record Yahweh's praises, and if possible allow others to do the same. A place for quiet reflection, and communion with Abba Yah!
To get and stay out of debt, to save money and building materials, and eventually, if Yahweh leads to build our own home and shop. However, if we never ever build or have "our own place" that is ok, cause it's all Yahweh's anyway. I know he will do the best.
there is a lot more, esspessially in the area of teaching our children about our creator, and to lead them in developing personal relationships with Him, through our Messiah Yahushua. I desire through our refuge, to give them their own missions and responsibilities in their areas of interest. Pray that we would know how to do that, and not hinder them through our own ideas of how to raise them. Pray that we would train them up in the way that (Yahweh wants) they should go, so that when they are old, they won't depart from it. A path of life, without the rebellion of the world.
1Pe 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation, a people for a possession, that you should proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light,
1Pe 2:10 who once were not a people, but now the people of Elohim; who had not obtained compassion, but now obtained compassion.
1Pe 2:11 Beloved ones, I appeal to you as sojourners and pilgrims, to abstain from fleshly lusts which battle against the life,
1Pe 2:12 having your behaviour among the gentiles good so that when they speak against you as evil-doers, let them, by observing your good works, esteem Elohim in a day of visitation.
If we are a royal priesthood and a set-apart nation, Our children are as well. We have got to raise them in a set-apart (kodesh/holy) way. Verse 12 is really the culmination of what will happen as we do our part in raising our children. If for the rest of their childhood, we raise them nurture them, challenge them, disciple them, exort them, encourage them, Love them, discipline them, our children, your children and if Yahweh's timeline permits, their generations, will be the ones, the WARRIORS winning souls.(not that we won't, but we see if our children are properly equipped, they can do more than we can)
That is our vision for our family, and the Home and Property Yahweh will provide us in His time.
Please pray for us to expect Yahweh's best for us, and to not get stuck in making our own ways. Pray for our home, our refuge, that we will do what Yahweh wants in that regard.
2Co 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but even if our outward man is perishing, the inward man is being renewed day by day. 2Co 4:17 For this slight momentary pressure, is working for us a far more exceeding and everlasting weight of esteem. 2Co 4:18 We are not looking on what is seen, but on what is not seen. For what is seen passes away, but what is not seen is everlasting
Many times it doesn't feel like slight, or momentary pressure. I am sure many of you are also feeling overwhelmed, worn out, hopeless, discouraged, or frustrated.
2Co 4:7 And we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the excellence of the power might be of Elohim, and not of us – 2Co 4:8 being hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; being perplexed, but not in despair;2Co 4:9 being persecuted, but not forsaken; being thrown down, but not destroyed
We are all earthen vessels. May we all allow Abba Yah to deliver a message to our hearts, and flow through us as a conduit. Take courage, were all going through crazyness and uncertainty together.
Joh 16:33 “These words I have spoken to you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world you have pressure, but take courage, I have overcome the world.”
2Co 5:7 for we walk by belief, not by sight.
Be courageous.
Ex 14:13 And Mosheh said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the deliverance of יהוה, which He does for you today. For the Mitsrites whom you see today, you are never, never to see again.
Exo 14:14 “יהוה does fight for you, and you keep still.”
So we each stand before a "red sea" today in one way or another. Trust that Yah will make a may, where there seems to be no way. Be faithfull in the little things, and don't neglect today's responsibilities and opportunities.
Mat 6:33 “But seek first the reign of Elohim, and His righteousness, and all these matters shall be added to you. Mat 6:34 “Do not, then, worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow shall have its own worries. Each day has enough evil of itself.
We thank you for standing together with us. We all need each other, and esspessially our Father. Take a moment today, now even to talk to you Abba, your Daddy, and let Him have your worries, and thank Him for His marvelous works. Psa 139:14 I give thanks to You, For I am awesomely and wondrously made! Wondrous are Your works, And my being knows it well.
Shalom from our "home" :) to yours,
Gabriel, Sady, Shiloh, Silas, Lily and Samuel
Num 6:24 “יהוה bless you and guard you;
Num 6:25 יהוה make His face shine upon you, and show favour to you;
Num 6:26 יהוה lift up His face upon you, and give you peace.”
P.S. Please forward this to anyone that we may have missed.
We are semi-officially Arkansawyers. I say that because we don't have an address that is actually our own:) I have been working down here for about 2 months for an awesome Christian remodeling company.
That is a testimony in itself. Last winter when we heard the call to move to Arkansas, I started searching online for a job. The Company that was at the top of my list to work for after all the research is the one I now work for. However, I had my own method, and my way of getting a job soon got tiring and overwhelming, and finally, I let go and gave it to Yahweh. Well, months later, in feb, I am in Arkansas, looking for work, and through referrals, ended up with an interview with the Very company I had wanted to work for. Amazingly, the week prior, a guy had left the company, which opened up a spot for me. HUGE story short, I got that job. I am so excited to be working for a super company that is meticulous, family oriented, that will give me Sabbaths and feasts off. It will keep teaching me about construction and remodeling and I am excited about that. I was ready to give that up, but saw Yahweh had given me a desire and ability that needed to be cultivated. Please pray for me to be a light to my supervisors and coworkers, and for me to be faithful in the little and big jobs alike.
Sady and the children have been down here for almost one month. The month apart was so hard, we went through many trials. I would have been happy to skip that chapter, but we know Yahweh's Character Building School has no free days. Just a weekly rest day! HalleluYah. I thought I had found the home for our family, but once Sady got down, and we talked and prayed, we realized it wasn't the place for our family. So we spent 4 nights in a Hotel and looked for a place to stay. Some dear friends opened up their home to us and for almost a month now we have been staying in their master bedroom, with our "own" bathroom and closet. It's a big adventure to have 2 dads, 2 moms, and 9 children in a 4 bedroom house. But, it's 2 families who are all part of one spiritual family. You grow so much closer to folks when your laughing, smiling, learning, struggling, or crying together in a small space. So much more closer than when you just see them for a few hours every week or so. I was blessed to have a room to stay with another family the first month I was down here. Yahweh's people are so kind and generous.
Pray for our vehical situation. Our one van needs many repairs. I am not sure if it's better to fix things as we are able to, or to give up on it. Thankfully it runs. And so somedays I drive it to work, and other days, we load up everybody and Sady drops me off at work and picks me up in the afternoon. Depending on if she needs to go anywhere or not. If we keep it, gradually fixing parts would certainly be a better option than a loan. ( we havent had a loan in 4 years and want to keep it that way. )I just don't know if it's wise, to keep putting money in it. We have contemplated getting a well maintained older economy car that would get 40+mpg. I had a older civic that did that. Then we could save money for a larger vehicle that could transport our family and luggage or bulk grocery shopping. we prefer to do more monthly shopping trips than weekly shopping. The lumina van doesn't have that kind of cargo room. It certainly isnt a bad secondary vehicle. If any has wisdom, or advice on what we should do please share. I am at my end.
For all the prayers, gifts, texts, emails and phone calls, we thank you. Thank you for your encouragement, Thank you for even those who have been searching long distance for a place for us to live. :)
We are excited about raising our family to garden and care for animals and learn a way of life many are too busy for. I was. I was too busy for my family having my own business.
Everyone is telling us to buy, but I don't want to be a slave to the lender. I know its hard to find rentals, but that is the vision I have for my family. I don't know how it will happen, it seems we are at the Red Sea. And the waves are crashing, and the enemy is drawing close, we can even hear the Chariot wheels in the distance. Despair is looming. BUT I KNOW MY YAHWEH is bigger. He is greater, He is stronger. So as our needs seem insurmountable, Yahweh will be the victor! He is our provider. We are seeing an amazing testimony as we see the doors close and paths He doesn't want us to travel.
My vision for my family is To raise them in the country. In a set apart refuge. So we have a place to come back to after we have been in the world. I believe it is vital at their young age to have a refuge for them, no matter how small. A place, for praise, and worship, for gathering, for rejoicing, for adventures, for training, for giving, for teaching, to learn all we can about living off the land, to teach others as the opportunity arises.
To have a place to record Yahweh's praises, and if possible allow others to do the same. A place for quiet reflection, and communion with Abba Yah!
To get and stay out of debt, to save money and building materials, and eventually, if Yahweh leads to build our own home and shop. However, if we never ever build or have "our own place" that is ok, cause it's all Yahweh's anyway. I know he will do the best.
there is a lot more, esspessially in the area of teaching our children about our creator, and to lead them in developing personal relationships with Him, through our Messiah Yahushua. I desire through our refuge, to give them their own missions and responsibilities in their areas of interest. Pray that we would know how to do that, and not hinder them through our own ideas of how to raise them. Pray that we would train them up in the way that (Yahweh wants) they should go, so that when they are old, they won't depart from it. A path of life, without the rebellion of the world.
1Pe 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation, a people for a possession, that you should proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light,
1Pe 2:10 who once were not a people, but now the people of Elohim; who had not obtained compassion, but now obtained compassion.
1Pe 2:11 Beloved ones, I appeal to you as sojourners and pilgrims, to abstain from fleshly lusts which battle against the life,
1Pe 2:12 having your behaviour among the gentiles good so that when they speak against you as evil-doers, let them, by observing your good works, esteem Elohim in a day of visitation.
If we are a royal priesthood and a set-apart nation, Our children are as well. We have got to raise them in a set-apart (kodesh/holy) way. Verse 12 is really the culmination of what will happen as we do our part in raising our children. If for the rest of their childhood, we raise them nurture them, challenge them, disciple them, exort them, encourage them, Love them, discipline them, our children, your children and if Yahweh's timeline permits, their generations, will be the ones, the WARRIORS winning souls.(not that we won't, but we see if our children are properly equipped, they can do more than we can)
That is our vision for our family, and the Home and Property Yahweh will provide us in His time.
Please pray for us to expect Yahweh's best for us, and to not get stuck in making our own ways. Pray for our home, our refuge, that we will do what Yahweh wants in that regard.
2Co 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but even if our outward man is perishing, the inward man is being renewed day by day. 2Co 4:17 For this slight momentary pressure, is working for us a far more exceeding and everlasting weight of esteem. 2Co 4:18 We are not looking on what is seen, but on what is not seen. For what is seen passes away, but what is not seen is everlasting
Many times it doesn't feel like slight, or momentary pressure. I am sure many of you are also feeling overwhelmed, worn out, hopeless, discouraged, or frustrated.
2Co 4:7 And we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the excellence of the power might be of Elohim, and not of us – 2Co 4:8 being hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; being perplexed, but not in despair;2Co 4:9 being persecuted, but not forsaken; being thrown down, but not destroyed
We are all earthen vessels. May we all allow Abba Yah to deliver a message to our hearts, and flow through us as a conduit. Take courage, were all going through crazyness and uncertainty together.
Joh 16:33 “These words I have spoken to you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world you have pressure, but take courage, I have overcome the world.”
2Co 5:7 for we walk by belief, not by sight.
Be courageous.
Ex 14:13 And Mosheh said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the deliverance of יהוה, which He does for you today. For the Mitsrites whom you see today, you are never, never to see again.
Exo 14:14 “יהוה does fight for you, and you keep still.”
So we each stand before a "red sea" today in one way or another. Trust that Yah will make a may, where there seems to be no way. Be faithfull in the little things, and don't neglect today's responsibilities and opportunities.
Mat 6:33 “But seek first the reign of Elohim, and His righteousness, and all these matters shall be added to you. Mat 6:34 “Do not, then, worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow shall have its own worries. Each day has enough evil of itself.
We thank you for standing together with us. We all need each other, and esspessially our Father. Take a moment today, now even to talk to you Abba, your Daddy, and let Him have your worries, and thank Him for His marvelous works. Psa 139:14 I give thanks to You, For I am awesomely and wondrously made! Wondrous are Your works, And my being knows it well.
Shalom from our "home" :) to yours,
Gabriel, Sady, Shiloh, Silas, Lily and Samuel
Num 6:24 “יהוה bless you and guard you;
Num 6:25 יהוה make His face shine upon you, and show favour to you;
Num 6:26 יהוה lift up His face upon you, and give you peace.”
P.S. Please forward this to anyone that we may have missed.
Shalom! Thank you for that beautiful post. Exodus 14:13- 14:14 as your dad would say "that's a refrigerator scripture" Be encouraged and stand still and see the deliverance of Yahweh! His plan for you is so good! Your hearts desire is Yahweh's heart. He will see that His plan will break forth because it is for Him and His esteem. We love you and we will remember you in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteGreat posts!! I have the same vision for our family!! How can we contact you all? My name is Bernease Brown and I heard about you threw which we love.My email is thanks for the gift you share with us all Blessings!!!!
ReplyDeleteTime for update :)