30 and counting!

Well... yesterday was my big day. I turned 30 years old! Yes, not really a big deal it is just another day. year. memory. Yet I find it is a huge moment for me. In my twenties I got married, had 5 children, moved more then I can count on 1, no make that 2 hands. Endured some pretty big trials, overcame some pretty big insecurities, came face to face with myself (thanks be to Yahushua!) and received healing in some pretty major areas of my life (actually it is a daily process of healing, so I continue to work on it). My twenties truly felt (though wonderful and amazing with many milestones) like they were my wilderness. I truly learned, especially here in my 29th year of life the importance of ministry and the calling that is upon our family. There for the longest time it was built in a cloud of things I (we) wanted or thought I (we) needed to do. Those clouds have come and gone, they were filled with rain (cleansing rain in a way) yet now there is a rainbow and I am reminded of His love! His direction! His covenant!  HALLELUYAH!  

 Is this journey over?? Do I have life completely figured out?!? Is 30 that number you now are like "I know it all, I have so much knowledge I just overflow with it!" Yeah!!! NOPE! I am at a relearning point. Dusting off that beautiful ole book of instructions and beginning again. Daily. Here's to 90 more years of His goodness!

Yesterday I received this gift/words of encouragement in Psalm (Tehillim) 16:

 Psa 16:1  Guard me, O Ěl, for I have taken refuge in You. 

2  I have said to יהוה, “You are יהוה, I have no good beside You.” 

3  As for the set-apart ones who are on the earth, They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight. 

4  The sorrows of those who run after another one are increased; I would not pour out their drink offerings of blood, Nor take up their names on my lips. 

5  יהוה is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You uphold my lot. 

6  Boundary lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, a good inheritance is mine. 

7  I bless יהוה who has given me counsel; My kidneys also instruct me in the nights. 

8  I have set יהוה always before me; Because He is at my right hand I am not shaken. 

9  Therefore my heart was glad, and my esteem rejoices; My flesh also dwells in safety.  

10  For You do not leave my being in the grave, Neither let Your Kind One see corruption. 

11  You show me the path of life; In Your presence is joy to satisfaction; At Your right hand are pleasures forever. 

 I felt great comfort in the moments after reading that chapter. The noise, distractions, busyness, obligations, thoughts and abundance of household family duties (my twenties endeavers bringing greatness daily! ;) were silenced and I enjoyed that moment to just breathe, give thanks, remember my beautiful gifts and blessings (again), healing and restoration going on in our family. HalleluYAH! His mercies are new every morning and I gain more of His ways and less of my own daily.

So... 30 and it's family is looking pretty good! HalleluYAH! Stick around for another 10 years and we'll see what 40 has to say. ha ha ha!

Shalom for now,

Sady K.



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