Sting of Rejection or A foolish Vent.....

  I wanted to write about being rejected..... as I started writing I saw I was just venting. Venting to prove points.... Venting to make myself feel better. I have no right.... I have no excuse for venting. I have not be forgotten nor forsaken, just because man feels different about me it is not going to alter my relationship with YAHWEH and if it does then I am not living for Him, I am living to please man.

  Yahushua died for me.... HE LIVES IN ME! I know that, I feel that, I will live for that. I pray that my life is only a vessel used by HIM (or at least I strive daily to live that way.) I am not perfect, I make many many many mistakes, but I have not been forgotten.... I have been blessed. I see the blessing DAILY! I see HIS fruit in my life, My husband, my marriage and my childrens lives daily. 

 So I will not vent, I will live for HIM...... I am not rejected. I am loved by The Creator of Heaven and Earth. Who has seen to my well being and the well being of my entire family. HalleluYAH! 

Joh 16:33  “These words I have spoken to you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world you have pressure, but take courage, I have overcome the world.”  

2Co 4:6  For Elohim, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts for the enlightening of the knowledge of the esteem of Elohim in the face of יהושע Messiah.

2Co 4:7  And we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the excellence of the power might be of Elohim, and not of us –

2Co 4:8  being hard pressed on every side,1 but not crushed; being perplexed, but not in despair; Footnote: 1See 1:8.

2Co 4:9  being persecuted, but not forsaken; being thrown down, but not destroyed;

2Co 4:10  always bearing about in the body the dying of the Master יהושע, that the life of יהושע might also be manifested in our body.

2Co 4:11  For we, the living, are always delivered to death for the sake of יהושע, that the life of יהושע might also be manifested in our mortal flesh,

2Co 4:12  so that death indeed is working in us, but the life in you. 

 I am His..... I ask Yahweh, that you would forgive my ugly heart..... Help me to love, help me to forgive, help me to be more than I am. in Yahushua ALWAYS! Amien!



  1. Fight the good Fight my sister!! Hold your ground, be still watch the salvation of Yah!!


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