Keeper of my Home......

I am what my children do. I am learning that how I desire my little ones to respond to others is how I respond to them and to others! I desire my little ones to be that that our called children of Yahweh. I desire them to respect and honor those older then them and love and teach those younger than them. It is my duty and joy to be that teacher. I notice everyday the little quirks my son picks up from me. It makes me laugh to hear myself speak and hear an echo of that very same expression and idea. Nothing slides by them, so I must do my utmost to teach them in a way that is Holy and Set-apart unto our Heavenly Father and how He spoke it in His Word and How Yahushua demonstrated in His lifestyle. 

I have been rereading some area's of "created to be his help-meet." by Debbie Pearl, many things strike a resounding chord in my heart and swell my desire (even more so now!) to be the woman (I know) I have been called to be as a wife and mother.!

All for now since little Lily has awoke with great hunger....hehe.




  1. Created to Be His Helpmeet is a great book. I have read that over and over...but it has been a while and it's funny you mention how you want your kids to be is how you should be. I was just thinking today, I told Zoe to do something and she got an attitude. I told her I expect her to do it with a smile LOL then I took a step back and realized I may have been missing my "smile" the last couple days when I have been doing things and realized she was mimicking me :( oh what a responsibility we have and yes it is an honor one I hope to be doing well and when I am not, that Yahweh show's me QUICKLY!! You are a great mom Sady!! Pic updates when you get a chance in your busy day LOL SHABBAT SHALOM!!!!


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